The free digital magazine, SpectacleTales# -The New York Edition, will be available in two weeks time [end of August 2018].
This issue will showcase the SpecTal eyewear photoshoots in NYC from earlier this year.
There will photoshoots from Vision Expo East 2018 at the Javitz Center, NYC and the streets of NYC.
- Moscot
- Faniel with Anne Marie and the family.
- Mik Loves You from Theo
- Jeremy from Tarian
- Bevel and Blake Kuwahara rooftop photoshoot with Dan & Darrell
- Piero Massari modelling some of his range himself!
- Christophe from Plein Les Mirettes
- Stefan from Fhone
- Claudio from Bevel and Blake Kuwahara
Eyewear on the Streets of NYC
- Union Square with Holly & Spencer
- Eyewear in Harlem, 125 Street and environs
Plus more on the latest SpectacleTales projects! Exciting reading for eyewear fans